Wednesday 7 May 2008

Baker Creek Garden Festival

(Jere Gettle, founder of Baker Creek Seed, and wife, Emilee)

We spent the weekend at Bakersville, the 2 year old, old-timey town built around Baker Creek Seed. This was the Spring Garden Festival, which grows bigger each year, and saw 5,000 people attending.

It's an amazing place, focusing on heirloom plants and responsible gardening practices and the festival had several very good speakers, along with many, many booths with plants, garden gadgets, foods, tools and more. My program was on making bentwood trellises and it was well received.

One of the other speakers was Jessica Walliser, author of Good Bug, Bad Bug, one of the best quick references to insects in the garden that I've seen. If you want to know quickly, whether to stomp that garden bug, or pet it on the back, this is the book for you. Jessica reminded me that I was her mentor at the First-Timer's reception at the Garden Writers of America conference this past summer. You might enjoy reading her garden blog and seeing what she grows, which you can find from her website.

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