Tuesday 26 March 2013

Fun Garden Ideas for Spring

I was in Sioux City, Iowa for the past several days, as one of the speakers at the Siouxland Flower and Garden Show. It was a small show in size but it made it up in quality. I've almost quit speaking at such shows because so many consist of rows and rows of gutter sales booths, siding, hot tubs and driveway paving supplies. This show was different - it had all sorts of things for the garden. There was a big line-up of excellent speakers, as well.
Jack and Jane Hogue
Our long time friends, Jack and Jane Hogue, of Prairie Pedlar Herb Farm in Odebolt, Iowa, were the ones who arranged for me to be there. Besides herbs, they grow corn for Jolly Pop popcorn, host weddings and raise lots of pigs.

Jane is highly creative and she's standing next to her sedum garden, made from a pallet on which she has nailed cardboard corners from shipping cartons. Very cool and perfect for a sedum collection!

This was my trade show booth, above. I'd taken along lots of books and a few other products. I was pleased, even in a northerly state, with snow blowing outside, the new Hot Sauce book sold very well!
Like any good garden show, this one had a Kids Corner, where kids were given lessons about recycling, about where garbage goes and how they can help. It was actually pretty cool in how they'd made it fun for kids while teaching responsibility.
There were lots of "Make and Take" projects for the public including make a rain barrel for your home. And this planter, above. It's made from another pallet, with pieces of metal gutter screwed on. You simply fill the gutters with potting soil and plant herbs or flowers!

I liked these little hand gardens, too. They're made of concrete mixed with perlite, poured into a rubber glove held in place in sand. When it sets up, the glove is removed and you have a lightweight hand for a planter.
This garden shed was made completely out of recycled materials. As people entered the garden show they were given cards to fill out for door prizes. This shed was the biggest door prize to be given away.
I thought the shovel being used for the door handle was a fun idea, too. The shed was constructed in such a way that it was unbolted, stacked flat and delivered after the show to the winner where it was bolted back together.
This quilt, made by a lady in the county Master Gardeners was a hit, as well. You probably can't tell from the photo, but each "jar" is made of fabric that has vegetable or berry designs.

My programs were: Growing the 10 Most Popular Herbs, a Salsa-Making demonstration and on Sunday, Pizza Gardening with Your Kids. This was one of the best flower and garden shows I've been to in years and I was pleased to be a part of it.

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