Sunday 31 March 2013

Kale Soup with Bruschetta

This is my season, springtime, when the world comes alive. Peach trees are ablaze in ruffles of pink, the first tulip appeared today, daffodils are in their full glory and the birds are setting up house-keeping. To celebrate spring today, here's what's on the menu at our house.
Kale soup, broiled fish with Cajun spices and homemade bread bruschetta. It's a simple meal but worthy of spring. Last year's kale lived over and we've been picking it all winter. Josh picked a big batch for the soup and there's still plenty left in the garden. Kale is amazing, it just keeps on producing for months.

It takes a big bowlful to make the soup. I'm guessing this is a pound, at least. The method is simple: slice up half an onion and 4 or 5 garlic cloves and saute them in olive oil in a cooking pot. As soon as the onions are turning transparent, pour in 1 quart of chicken broth and bring it to a boil. As soon as the broth is boiling, add the kale to the pot.
The cooking pot will be nearly full of the fresh kale. Put a lid on the pot and let it come back to a slow boil. Push the kale into the hot liquid and let it simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the kale is tender. Working in batches, puree the kale in a blender, adding additional water as needed. When the kale and liquid is all pureed, pour it back into the cooking pot. Bring it back to a simmer and add either 3 cups of whole milk, or 1 cup of half and half. Serve hot.
Kale soup, ready to serve.
Josh made a loaf of sourdough French bread so I could make bruschetta to go with the soup. Sourdough, if you don't know, is better for people with diabetes than regular bread, so I indulged and had 2 slices!
Perfect loaf of sourdough French bread, right out of the oven.
The Bruschetta is simple. Dice a couple of Roma tomatoes. To that, add 2 diced green onions, 3 cloves of minced garlic, 1 tablespoon of fresh basil, 1 teaspoon marjoram and a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, with a dusting of salt. Mix lightly and set aside for at least an hour. To make the Bruschetta, cut 4 slices of French bread and brush them well on one side with olive oil. Toast the bread slices until brown and bubbly around the edges. Divide the Bruschetta mixture between the 4 slices of bread, piling it on top. Serve immediately.
Bruschetta, ready to serve.
Where did the fresh basil come from this time of year? Josh's mother had left us with her AeroGarden and it's great for growing herbs indoors. We've been harvesting basil all winter long.
The assortment of herbs growing in the AeroGarden.
That's Cricket, investigating every aspect of springtime, even the bees, lizards and flowers. Happy spring to you!

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